Dear friend,
As The Highland Glee Club enters its 115th season, we are offering you expanded opportunities to reach new customers and demonstrate your support for local arts. We perform in five concerts during the 2023-24 season. Last season we broadened the range of our musical offerings (including rock and roll) to target a more diverse group of music lovers and this has greatly increased the size of our audiences. Between all 5 concerts last year, we sang to over 800 people!
We distribute program at three concerts to hundreds of your neighbors attending:
•Gilbert and Sullivan/Leonard Bernstein Tribute Fall Concert (October 28, 2023) - War Memorial Auditorium, Newton Centre
•Holiday Songfest Winter Concert (December 9, 2023) - Christ Episcopal Church, Needham
•Celtic (Scottish, Irish and Welsh) Spring Concert (March 16, 2024) - War Memorial Auditorium, Newton Centre
All advertisers will receive two complimentary tickets to every performance they support.
We have also introduced a new Full Season Subscription option that can save you money, expand your reach, and free you from hearing from us for another year. While placing a single ad is still an option, the many benefits of a Full Season Subscription are:
•Ads in all three concert programs
•Listing on our website as a Full Season Sponsor
•Your name on the sponsorship poster at the two free HGC Love-In ’24 concerts next June
•Ability to change ad content for each program
•Significant savings when compared to buying three individual ads at the per concert rate
•The option to pay the annual fee in installments
The cost of an ad ranges from $75 for a one concert quarter page to $455 for a full season (3 concerts) full page ad. And many options in between. See chart below for complete information.
Only through the generous support of our patrons, sponsors, and you, our advertisers, can we continue the work we started 115 years ago. Please email Peter Haffenreffer, our Treasurer with any questions (
John Ficarelli
Highland Glee Club
Celebrating Over 115 Years of Singing
Since 1908
The Highland Glee Club invites you to place your business ad in our upcoming concert program. Our concerts are attended by several hundred of your neighbors and provide an opportunity to reach new customers while supporting the local arts. Ad pricing/placement options are as follows:
Size Dimension (inches) Full Season Subscription (3 Programs) Single Ad (One Program)
Back cover* 7.5 (h) x 4.5 (w) $ 565* $ 235*
Inside cover* 7.5 (h) x 4.5 (w) $ 505 $ 210*
Full page 7.5 (h) x 4.5 (w) $ 455 $ 190
Half page 3.75 (h) x 4.5 (w) $ 240 $ 105
Quarter page 1.875 (h) x 4.5 (w) $ 180 $ 75
* Please contact Peter Haffenreffer (781-883-8541 or to inquire about availability
Ads are printed in color. Send print-ready materials to Deadline for each ad is indicated below. Payment for the ad is due when copy is sent. Those selecting an annual sponsorship can pay in full or in two installments, please contact Peter Haffenreffer (781-883-8541 or to discuss terms.
Please note that advertisers are solely responsible for the accuracy and quality of their materials and for securing all necessary permissions for any media used in advertisement.
Full Season Subscription (payment and ad due 10/5/23)
__Back* __Inside Cover* __Full Page __Half Page __Quarter Page $__________
Single Program Ad
___ Gilbert and Sullivan/Leonard Bernstein Tribute – 10/28/23 in Newton (payment and ad due 10/16/23)
___ Holiday Songfest Winter Concert – 12/9/23 in Needham (payment and ad due 11/22/23)
___ Celtic (Scottish, Irish and Welsh) Spring Concert – 3/16/24 in Newton (payment and ad due 3/4/24)
__Back* __Inside Cover* __Full Page __Half Page __Quarter Page $__________
Note: if you plan to place an ad in only the winter or spring program, please let us know now so we can hold your spot. We will send you a reminder a month before the due date to ensure you have time to submit your ad.
Business Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person ____________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code ________________________________________________________________________
Mail this completed form with your check made out to Highland Glee Club to:
Peter Haffenreffer, Treasurer
14 York Road.
Winchester, MA 01890
Or pay online at:
and upload this form with your ad content (if applicable) to
Click Here to Contact the Highland Glee Club
Copyright © 2023 Highland Glee Club - All Rights Reserved.